General Information


Dominica is an island located between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean sea. Its total area is 754 square kilometers (290 square miles), making it the largest of the English-speaking Windward Islands, and it is slightly more than 4 times the size of Washington, D.C. Located in the Southern Caribbean, bounded to the North by Guadeloupe, and to the South by Martinique.Land Area 290 square miles Capital and Major Towns Roseau (Capital), Portsmouth, Marigot

Climate Sub Tropical (dry and wet season) Rainfall Ranges from 50 inches along the coast, to over 300 inches in the interior. Population Approximately 70,000 Languages Official language is English. French dialect is widely spoken.Religions Mainly Christian denominations. 80% Roman Catholic. Form of Government Democratic Republic based on British Westminister System.Currency Eastern Caribbean Dollars. Exchange Rate US $1.00 = XCD$2.7169.  Principal Exports Bananas, soap, bay oil, vegetables, grapefruit, oranges. Principal Imports Manufactured goods, machinery and equipment, food, chemicals.


Dominica is located in the southern Caribbean, sandwiched between the French department islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique. Dominica is widely acknowledged to be one of the most pristine countries in the Caribbean. There is an increasing population of North Americans and Europeans investing in Dominica due to its ideal climate and safe political structure.
Dominica is the fourth largest English speaking Caribbean territory. The rainy season runs from June to November and the dry season is December to May. Natural hazards in Dominica include: occasional earthquakes, and hurricanes along Atlantic coast.

The Government of Dominica is a democratic republic. The capital city is Roseau, and most of the nation’s commerce takes place in the Roseau city limits. Dominica’s basically stable economy depends on tourism, agriculture, and Construction. Foreign investors remain attracted by the country’s political stability and high education levels, and tourism continues to bring in foreign exchange. CSME implementation would result in economic reforms and an improved investment climate.

Major Trading

Partners United States of America, United Kingdom, CARICOM countries, China, and Canada. Electric Power Dominica Electricity Company Limited Voltage 220 Volts.

Telecommunication All automatic systems: Direct dialing with major countries in the world, cellular, telexes and faxes. Internet access widely available. Entry and Visa Requirement Visitors are permitted to stay up to one (1) month provided they have a valid passport. Nationals of few countries require a visa for entry to Dominica.


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